Wednesday 12 February 2014

Different types of nodulocystic acne treatment - Health - Skin Care

Nodulocystic acne is the most serious form of acne vulgaris. This kind of acne manifests in the form of red splotchy breakouts that are most commonly on the face but also show up on other parts of the body. The size of the blemishes differs, but they can become quite large, which is a difficulty for the people who have them both in the physical sense and in the emotional sense. Not only is this kind of acne painful to the skin, but also it is also painful for a person because they feel that their imperfections are being screamed out for the world to see. This is why nodulocystic acne treatment is one of the most sought after kinds of treatment for acne.

Nodular acne treatment is not just for the young adults who are going through puberty. In fact, people who are trying to get rid cystic acne vary in age and sex, even though it really is most commonly apparent in young men. Sever cystic acne can also be genetic, most especially when each parent both dealt with this kind of acne growing up, or maybe even all their lives. The causes are many, such as naturally oily skin, excessive dead skin cells on the skin, or maybe even the prevalence of acne causing bacteria on the skin. While there is such a thing as cystic acne home treatment, this kind of acne is sometimes so severe that it would be best that the nodulocystic acne treatment that you look for is chemical based.

The simplest forms of treatment for this kind of acne are oral antibiotics. As was mentioned before, the presence of the acne could be because there are too many acne-causing bacteria on the skin, bacteria that cannot be removed by simple washing. The antibiotics will then get rid of the bacteria on the skin, and hopefully when the bacteria are gone, the washing and exfoliating will be more effective. A common type of nodulocystic acne treatment for women is the use of oral contraceptives, such as the birth control pill that contains progestin. One of the reasons that women may break out severely is because of an imbalance of hormones in the body. The way that progestin works is that it balances the hormones in a woman's body, and aside from stopping a woman's ovulation, it also stops the hormones from causing the skin to be irritated and break out.

There are also various kinds of nodulocystic acne treatment systems that come in two to three products that are used together. These usually comprise of special ingredients formulated into a facial wash, a toner, and a moisturizer. While these kinds of treatments are effective for more, there is still no accounting for every single person in the world.

And last but not the least, there is also the most invasive kind of nodulocystic acne treatment, and that is surgery. What happens in this surgery is that the doctor will make an incision on the skin and will extract all the infections and extracts that are underneath the skin. While this is definitely an effective solution, it is both painful and expensive, so make sure that this is your last resort.

There are many different kinds of nodulocystic acne treatment methods that you can use.

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