Tuesday 18 February 2014

Confusion upon Acne Treatments - Health - Fitness

Experiencing acne is annoying, frustrating and worrisome. Who would want to have to face the mirror seeing a lot of red spots and blemishes, right?

So for every acne problem each person has, there are ample solutions given, resulting to confusion on persons undergoing this dilemma. In fact they are faced with two problems. First, Acne is a problem and the other problem is choosing how to fight this acne dilemma given numerous selections of treatments.

We need to put in mind that some of the remedies presented have their own various side effects. Yes, they could alleviate our problems in acne but they might cause another predicament for us to worry about. Let's take for consideration the acne antibiotic treatments.

Acne antibiotic treatments include:

*Tetracycline, the most common prescribed acne antibiotic for treating papules and pustules.

*Erythromycin, an antibiotic that does not have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

*Minocycline, acne antibiotic treatment for pustule type of acne.

*Doxycycline, substitute drug if Tetracycline and Erythromycin are not tolerable.

*Clindamycin, common side effects of this drug is dryness and irritation of the skin.

These antibiotic treatments work to help kill bacteria-causing pimples as well as reducing the inflammatory reaction which helps lessen the redness associated with acne. But also each of these antibiotic treatments for acne has their own side effects, mostly because they are taken orally. These type of remedy is also being considered as a long term kind of treatment; use of these may last a long time; weeks, months and others years. This treatment begins with a high dose, usually 500mg twice a day, and reduced when symptoms are determined. Commonly, it is prescribed for six months but can be used more or less depending on the severity or mildness of your case. Results are seen in four to six weeks after use. Long exposure to these medications may cause immunity and resistance to their effects causing them to be ineffective as time of usage is longer. Also taking some of these drugs requires you not to eat anything before taking them, as they may affect the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, Photosensitivity and vomiting may also be side effects of these acne antibiotics. In women long term exposure to these antibiotics leads them to an increased risk of Candida vaginal yeast infections because antibiotics kill the normal vaginal bacterial flora, which help to maintain the vaginal pH level. Acne antibiotics may also lessen the effects of birth control pills.

In choosing remedies for acne problems, advantages and disadvantages of each treatment must first be determined so we could prevent other predicaments.

If your still confuse on acne treatments, why not check out to clear the confusion from your head. You will learn a lot of specific information to get rid of your acne problems and get back your beautiful skin.

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