Monday 10 February 2014

Acne treatment for Mild, Moderate and Severe cases - Health - Skin Care

There are different methods in acne treatment. The methods of treating them differ from the type of acne you have. If you have mild, moderate or severe acne, they could be treated in different ways. Read below for more information.

Mild Acne

Mild acne can be describe as small lesions on your skin, which can be further comprised of blackheads, white heads or pimples, near or at the surface of your skin. When this happens, the first thing you need to do is to keep the area clean. Gently wash it with warm water and soap twice a day. But do not overdo it. You also have to apply over-the-counter acne treatment that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Do not use oily products on your skin since it could cause more acne breakouts. Additionally, always bear in mind, mild acne are not hard to treat. You just have to continue applying acne treatments on your skin, even long after the breakout has cleared. During this time, you also have to change your diet to aid your body in getting rid of this acne breakout. You need to eat fruits and vegetables and avoid eating chocolates, fried fast food, aerated drinks and milk products. However, equally important is not prickling, popping or tweezing your pimples. They might l ead to inflamed acne, which could further exacerbate the condition of your acne which could lead to acne scars..Moderate to Severe Acne

This conditions can be describe with numerous whiteheads and blackheads, numerous papules and pustules that covers your skin from a little bit more to almost all of your skin. When this happens, it is best to go to a dermatologist and have your acne treated with proper medical treatment. It is much better to treat them early than wait for it to become severe. They are more prone to ugly acne scars if acne breakouts are not treated early. Your dermatologist could recommend a combination of acne treatments. You could try oral prescriptions or do medical surgery on them. Just remember, whiel doing this surgeries or treatments for your acne, you have to continue doing the guidelines I have stated for mild acne treatment. Having a moderate or severe acne doesn't mean you have to stop following them. Continue doing these acne treatments and surely your acne breakouts will be treated. Whichever ways you are going to have, rest assured that all acne can be treated and all acne sca rs can be removed. acne treatment/dz84

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