Sunday 8 June 2014

Your Guide to All Natural Adult Acne Remedy - Health

Acne is the most common of all skin disorders. It can strike anyone - women, men, adolescents, and adults alike. To beat acne, we have several treatments available. You just have to be cautious in choosing the most appropriate acne solution for you.

To fight acne, it is advisable that we know something about acne and what causes acne. Acne as discussed earlier is very common. It is triggered by a wide range of factors which include genetics or heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress or too much tension, home and work environment, insanitation or poor sanitary habits, pregnancy, puberty and more.

How Acne Breakouts Develop

The sebaceous gland found beneath the surface of the skin produces oil or sebum. This oil typically maintains the natural moisture of the skin. However, under the influence of androgen hormones, the sebaceous glands become enlarge and active. It then produces more than enough amounts of oil. The increased production of sebum makes the skin very susceptible to acne breakouts.

Adult Acne Remedy

We often associate acne with puberty. Sad to say, but adults can get acne too. Acne can make you feel insecure and vulnerable, since acne greatly affect the self esteem of a person. Fortunately, there are remedies and treatments for acne. Yes, acne is treatable. You just have to select the most appropriate acne management for your skin type.

Why Go Natural?

Many people opt for natural adult acne remedy because of the following reasons:

- Cheaper than anti acne prescription and over the counter products

- Few or no side effects

- Multiple health benefits.

Natural Adult Acne Treatment

Acne management depends on severity and location of the acne. There are mild forms and severe forms of acne. Besides the face (particularly the T zone - forehead, nose, and chin), acne can also appear on your chest, back and arms. Generally, they develop in areas where there are plenty of follicles and pores. The following are highly recommended by skin experts. These are effective ways to treat acne naturally:

- To fight acne, eat a healthy and well - balanced diet. In addition, consuming foods rich in Vitamin A and Niacin can definitely improve the skin's texture and appearance. So, in order to prevent acne breakouts, refrain from eating greasy and fried foods.

- Tea tree oil is another adult acne treatment that is proven very effective. It is completely natural. It is used to hinder bacteria growth on the skin. All you have to do is to apply it directly to the skin on a regular basis.

-Exfoliating agents facilitate skin renewal. Oatmeal mask with honey is an example of this. This mask is also perfect for all skin types.

-Drinking lots of water can prevent acne development. Not only does it hydrate the body, it can also flush the toxins out from the body.

- Green Tea contains EGCG. This antioxidant aids to guard and protect the skin cells. Green Tea is also known to treat acne, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and more.

Go natural,if you're searching for the best acne solutions! It is proven safe as compared to its synthetic counterparts. But, before you try, be sure to check with your dermatologists first. Good luck!

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