Friday 13 June 2014

Acne During Pregnancy - Some Must Know Tips - Health - Skin Care

Beautiful and smooth skin adds to your beauty. Every effort should be made to maintain the glow of the skin. In spite of the fact whether you have earlier suffered from acne or not, there is a likelihood of acne during pregnancy. It generally occurs at the time of increase in hormones level during first three months of pregnancy when the progesterone levels in the body increase leading to increase in secretions of sebum. Acne normally gets cleared after first trimester, but there have been instances when it has not happened so and you may have to look for alternate acne treatments to avoid acne scars.

Before pregnancy

Since some acne treatment can be harmful to fetus, it would be advisable to discuss acne treatment with your doctor. Do note that the treatment should not include oral Isotretinoin, antibiotics and Retinoids; they get absorbed in the blood and may cause severe abnormalities to the fetus. You surely would not want to harm your baby just because you want an acne treatment. The only antibiotic so far considered to be safe during pregnancy is Erythromycin. However this may also not be very useful as most bacteria have developed immunity to it. It is best to avoid medicines during pregnancy.

During Pregnancy

Proper care of the skin has to be taken to stay acne-free. It has been observed that the skin gets drier during pregnancy. You have to be very careful in the selection of creams and gel for applying on the skin. Drying treatment like benzoyl cream is likely to be harsh. Instead of using creams that may be harsh, it will be beneficial for you to use natural products as they do not cause any harm. If you have read Clear5 reviews, you would have observed that Clear5 is one product that has been given thumbs-up by most of its users, as it does not cause skin dryness. According to Clear5 reviews, it is gentle on the skin and harsh on the acne; get acne-free skin without harming your skin any further.

You should always select a soft cleanser for getting rid of acne. Use only a suitable moisturizer which will not cause harm to the skin and not clog the pores too. Tea oil is believed to be safe for using on blemishes and spots.

A lot of water must be consumed and it will help the body system. Fruits and vegetables should be taken in sufficient quantity since these are very helpful in the proper development of the baby. If morning sickness prevents you from eating well, you should consume soups and fresh smoothies. Pizza and chocolates may not cause acne for everyone but may do so for you. Food that can cause breakouts should be avoided at all costs. You may try a food intolerance test for finding out foods that you are tolerant to.

Physical exercise plays an important role during pregnancy as it helps removing toxins from the body by breathing in fresh oxygenated air. The pores also get cleaned by moderate sweating. This keeps skin healthy and prevents further spread of acne. Lungs and heart get oxygen adequately and the kidney, liver and bowels will perform better and throw toxins out much faster. Do take a shower after exercise to get rid of sweat and grime that may also cause acne.

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