Saturday 21 June 2014

5 Things You Need To Know About Natural Acne Treatment Cures - Health

If you are interested in learning about natural acne treatment cures to help you win the battle over acne then continue reading. Over the years as a skin care consultant I have seen a lot a clients with different grades of acne and found that natural acne treatments always seem to work better. Not to mention it's very inexpensive considering no doctor visits and best of all no side effects. Using a natural acne treatment cure you are able to do this in the comfort of your own home.I actually reviewed some of the most successful and popular natural acne cure guides available online and I was surprised how many people recommend natural acne cure over the other invasive acne cures out there.Acne is due to a hormone imbalance causing the sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum. This in turns blocks the pores and causes a bacterial infection- the bacteria involved are called Probionibacterium acne. Factors that can contribute to acne are oily skin, heredity, menstruation and some contraceptives (both increase levels of progesterone in the body), and an overgrowth of Candida (a yeast) in the gut that causes hormonal changes. Other possible contributing factors are stress, allergies and certain drugs including steroids. Nutritional deficiencies and or a diet high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and animal products can also be involved. The ph of the body is also important - an imbalance can influence the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Now that we know some contributing factors on what causes acne, let me inform you on how you can get rid of it fast, usually in 3 days.There are many natural acne treatment cures which have been tried for hundreds of years. Some acne herbal medications are listed below to get rid of acne at home:1. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, chromium, zinc, and selenium are nutrients that may have both anti-acne and mood regulating properties according to an acne study conducted at the Lasky Skin Clinic in 2008.2. Dri nking 7-8 glasses of water is beneficial for cleansing the toxins present in the blood. Water is a good medium for removing toxins. Drinking excess water has been linked with good complexion.3. Experts also advise people who are seriously looking to get rid of acne to cut on sugar intake or stop cold turkey. This is because sugar will do more harm than good. It will promote the development of acne and you can replace it with honey or molasses. Artificial sweeteners are also notorious and might derail your efforts to be acne-free. Therefore, take the bold step and start to see the difference.4. Zinc - The National Library of Science recognizes that zinc may be effective in the treatment of acne based on available science evidence. The Department of Dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York also recognizes zinc, along with vitamin A, and tea tree oil (also ayurvedic therapies) as over-the-counter remedies available for treating acne. However, its position on the se remedies is that additional and better studies are needed to clarify the benefits.5. Drinking herbal water is a well known acne herbal medication for removing pimples. It is made by boiling a glass of water with 2 fenugreek seeds and 1 corn hair.Natural acne treatment cures like Acne No More deals with deep, internal causes of acne. It explains how feeding habits and patterns may cause imbalance in the body and be at the core of skin problems. In this program, you will also learn that the lumps, swellings, and pimples that are externally obvious may only be symptomatic of deeper-lying issues. You will find why creams and other topical treatments cannot permanently eradicate acnes because they do not eliminate these underlying causes, but only address the symptoms.This Acne No More system does not involve the use of any drugs, creams, or medications whatsoever. Apart from only superficially addressing the problem, these chemicals are often associated with unpleasant side e ffects. This system only uses simple, organic, and natural procedures to arrest and remedy this acne problem. With this system, you would learn how lifestyle, eating habits and patterns, and emotional conditions may have a direct bearing on the appearance of the skin. You would be educated on how a positive review and change of some of these aspects of our lives can not only eliminate acne from the skin, but also help us have better health. The Acne No More system is backed by many years of intense research and on methods and procedures that have been proven to be very effective over, and over again.Visit my site where you will find many free tips, techniques and videos on the best natural acne treatments cures. You will be able to read about each one of them make good sound decisions, the decisions that are right for you.Are you ready to take matters in your own hands and get started by getting rid of that ugly unwanted acne with your own natural acne cures and receive some amazing results in a matter of a 3 days?

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