Saturday 22 September 2012

At Home Acne Treatments That Work - Health - Skin Care

Taking care of acne with harsh prescription drugs is something that most people would like to avoid. Well there are in fact quite a number of home acne treatment methods available using the ingredients from your own kitchen. You don't need prescription drugs and you can do it all from home.

There are numerous acne treatment options available today because so many people suffer from acne. Of course, these products attempt to help acne sufferers clear up their skin without spending a lot of money. But there's a big problem with some of these products - they don't actually treat acne at the root of the problem and all they do is try to get rid of pimples one zit at a time.

There is no great secret for preventing acne especially if you are an adolescent and an at home acne treatment is really not impossible if you know certain facts on how acne should be treated. The foremost thought should be on prevention of acne, and the easiest way to help with this is to keep the pores of you skin fresh and unclogged. An alternative to the mainstream treatment options that is becoming increasingly more common and one that takes a more natural option is to treat their acne problems at home.

What ever method of treatment you seek for your skin always start with small amount first and stop any treatment that is painful or makes you feel uncomfortable. At this point of time, I am bringing you some great tips for an at home acne treatment:

Have a Better DietThe first step in any home acne treatment is to change your dietary habits and eliminate fatty and high sugar foods. Foods with excess fats and sugars have been clinically proven to increase the chances of an outbreak so avoid them at all costs. Studies have also shown that increasing the amount of vitamin B5 and zinc have had positive effects on the skin. So make sure you increase the amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables since they are natural source of these vitamins and minerals.

Simple Home Acne MaskBy experimenting with some items that are found in your pantry or kitchen you will be able to determine how easy and simple it is to create a natural mask. Many of the expensive acne treatment masks are essentially made up of ingredients that are actually easy to find such as honey, oatmeal, mint, avocado and wheat germ.

This simple mask mixture will let the honey dry out the pores of your skin, allow the avocado to moisturize the skin and the almond will provide the exfoliating benefits. Mixing together some mashed avocado to a small dab of honey and ground almonds into a thick paste and applying it to your face, letting dry for about fifteen minutes then gently scrubbing off is an example of many invigorating masks you can try.

HerbsA few other methods for treating acne at home are is using herbs applied to the affected areas. The most common of these herbs are as follows:

Other At Home Acne Treatments

Cooked Oatmeal - After it has been cooled down, it can be applied daily to the affected areas and allowed to stay for around fifteen to twenty minutes and this should be washed off.

Lemon juice and rose water - If this is applied in equal amounts regularly, it can be a great treatment for acne that you can do at home. Simply apply the solution on the affected areas and leave for about 30 minutes and the wash it off. Use this treatment method during fifteen to twenty consecutive days.

These are but a few of the home acne treatment methods that may work for some individuals and are indeed quite effective. Having clear skin isn't hard, you just need to make sure you are treating all of the causes. Unfortunately hardly any of the products out there come close to doing this, and people waste money on things that don't work. Take into consideration the severity of your condition as this may require the expertise of a professional skin specialist and that home acne treatment remedies don't work for everyone.

If you are still not satisfied with these tips, you can visit these two websites for more information and treatments for acne and acne scars, they are the best source of information in this matter: "Acne No More" & "ACNEVOLUTION"

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