Tuesday 18 September 2012

Are There Really Any Effective Acne Treatments Available? - Health - Diseases and Conditions

If you are looking for an effective acne treatment among customary therapeutic solutions available over-the-counter outlets throughout the country, you are sure to get lost in a labyrinth of prescription drugs, laser re-surfacing procedures, facial beauty therapies, various creams, gels and surgical options -- all aimed at providing temporary solution to the damaged skin surface, the handiwork of acne. Amazingly, none ever promise a permanent cure, leave aside an efficient mode of treatment that could possibly lead to it. Regrettably enough, even the manufacturers and the dealers involved in this unholy trade are totally indifferent about the seriousness of the problem and appear to be happy in making money with products that can never prove an effective acne treatment.

However, it is not the pathology that is neglected but the attitude towards the disease that is totally wrong. Instead of becoming concerned with the pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pock marks and lesions that are just the symptoms of acne, attention should have been focused on the causative factors that are responsible for these external calamities. Actually the real culprits of acne are the internal causes.

Equally surprising are the stances taken by the doctors, dermatologists and medicinal marketing personnel who blindly endorse them by ignoring the need to explore the root cause of acne, often side tracking the real issues. True, a handful of topical antibiotics can destroy microorganisms that include probiotic bacteria but their principal purpose is lost when p.acne, the villain of the piece, remains totally unaffected, fortified with becoming more resistant to the drug. The picture will be clearer with a few instances given here. Widely advertised Chemical Peels can temporarily halt acne symptoms and take care of the resultant scar to some extent but are absolutely ineffective in curing the disease. As a result, acne will again start forming as soon as the treatment is over. And none can go on peeling the facial tissue lifelong. So is the case with Benzoil Peroxide which will kill the bacteria by irritating the skin and leaving it parchment dry for days to come. But the end result is the same. Acne will grow as soon as the bleaching effect of the peroxide is gone.

Aroma Therapy, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Chamomile and many more exotic home acne therapies are prowling around the homes of acne patients. Their promises of 'guaranteed acne cure' is as vain as taking a joy ride in a sabotaged aircraft. However, this does not mean that these time-honored formulations are useless or ineffectual since everyone is acquainted with the antiviral and antifungal properties of Tea Tree oil while Aloe Vera enjoys universal reputation as a cure for all kinds of dermal problems. Even Chamomile has enough ant-inflammatory properties to reduce acne symptoms. But alas, none of them can cure acne because they can never reach the root cause of it.

The same is true for creams, gels and proverbial cleansers marketed as acne cure agents. As an instance, a well-advertised acne cure 'Clarifying Cleanser' (Brand name Murad) that is supposed to wage wars against acne by killing the bacteria and exfoliating the pores of the skin may render short-term benefit while Hydrogen Peroxide has legendary powers to purify the skin. Even Proactive, a revitalizing toner preferred by many as an effective acne treatment formulation has similar, if not better curing agent for acne on a short-term basis. The reasons, as one may see, are simple. Exfoliating, cleansing and killing the bacteria at the surface can not kill the disease condition that lies much deeper within the system.

Some vitamins and supplements do have some acne suppressing properties but the fact remains that they are effective only as part of a more comprehensive plan to tackle acne. And as far as the much talked about B5 acne treatment is concerned, it is a non-issue. In fact, the very theory of acne formation due to B5 deficiency is a myth. Besides, intake of B5 in larger dosage may lead to serious side effects, more harmful than acne.

Talking about the side effects of several so-called acne medications are so serious that they call for further extensive therapies to get rid of them. Accutone, often prescribed to treat severe acne cases fall into this category.

The concluding paragraph of this treatise on effective acne treatment is not to discourage people in taking steps for the treatment of acne but in taking them in the right course. Before anything, one should bear in mind that acne is more of an internal disease as against its external manifestations. To make a person acne-free for life, the one and only path to such freedom lies in taking a holistic approach towards the disease, and that too, as early as possible. This is the most effective acne treatment for acne sufferers.

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