Thursday 14 March 2013

Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Healing Cancer - book review - Health - Cancer

The book: Healing Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing Cancer is a summary of over a decade of cancer research. The book details a list of missing links and five main components which are the main components of the process of healing cancer.

The Missing Links include Overcoming Fear and Having a Positive Attitude, Addressing Failure, Critical Thinking, Self-Education, and Responsibility. These topics build a good foundation to having a healthy mindset and an open mind to understanding there is more to healing or curing cancer than what is currently perceived.

The five main components for healing cancer consist of Positive Attitude, Detoxification, Alternative Cancer Treatments, Nutrition, and Exercise. These components are synergistic with each other and are greater than the sum of their parts when used together. When battling cancer, it is advised to consider using all of them together rather than just a Treatment for example, which is the only component that the cancer industry stresses.

Positive attitude is of the highest importance when battling cancer which it is critical to overcome any negative thoughts of fear, anger, or depression when dealing with cancer. The book give the tools to use to overcome negative thought and begin healing the mind. Heal the mind first then heal the body.

Second is detoxification. Anyone with cancer is deemed overly toxic which is one of the prime causes of cancer. Detoxification is required to remove the toxic substances at the cellular level to provide an environment where cancer cannot survive. Detoxification also includes major organs which accumulate toxic substances over time and reduce functionality. This especially includes the bowel and liver. The book outlines the dangers of reduced organ functionality and how it can be overcome with different cleansing protocols.

Third is treatment. Treatment is currently the only focus for the modern cancer industry using chemotherapy and radiation. Many are not aware that there are many other safer alternative cancer treatments that do not compromise the body and immune system.

Fourth is nutrition. We seldom get the proper nutrients we need on a daily basis due to the fact that most of our foods are void of many of the key nutrients. There are a few key nutrients that the majority of the population is deficient in which are covered in this chapter. Those with cancer in particular are likely severely deficient in these nutrients which only makes things worse.

Fifth is exercise. Most are aware that exercise is important but may not understand why. Other than the obvious of strengthening the cardiovascular system and toning muscles, exercise is essential to circulating the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is literally the sewer system of the body and if the body is not moving in the form of regular exercise, the lymphatic system is not functioning properly to carry out the cellular waste.

All of the missing links and components to healing cancer are a complete plan for anyone dealing with cancer to follow. These will give a significant advantage to those who follow these guidelines compared to just following the current Treatment only protocol that most with cancer follow.

This contents of this book will open your eyes and give a whole new perspective to health and healing. There is so much more to life than just "surviving" from cancer.

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