Thursday 22 November 2012

Your Guide to Effective Acne Treatments - Health

The majority teenagers all over the world are terrified of a particular four letter word. They want to avoid it at all cost, no matter which country they hail from or what social strata they belong to, or even what language they speak. Perhaps only the war against acne can unify the teenagers of the world as one. It goes without saying that effective acne treatments are friends of all teenagers throughout the world. However, acne treatments range from the mythical to the effective to the super efficient, just as acne comes in all shapes and sizes.

If you want to determine the most effective acne treatments, then you need to understand what causes acne in the first place. Contrary to common belief, acne is usually by hormonal changes in the human body and not bad hygiene. We secrete excessive oil due to the hormonal changes brought on by puberty. This oil traps dirt and moisture that result in blackheads and acne.

Acne can also be caused by an infection or by the blockage of the pores. Fortunately, teenagers can find effective acne treatments to counter all kinds of acne. However, teenagers should consult a dermatologist to conclusively determine the cause of acne before they try to treatment it themselves.

There are numerous effective acne treatments available in the market in this day and age. Most pharmacies and drugstores have shelves upon gleaming shelves of products offering wonderful treatments for acne. However, you may need to visit your doctor to find the most effective treatments that are suited to your specific acne.

Since effective acne treatments differ for various kinds of acne, it is important that you pin down the cause. Otherwise, you may end up spending a fortune on ineffective acne treatments that don't ever seem to work. Azelaic acid creams, benzoyl peroxide and Accutane are examples of contemporary acne treatments. Antibiotics, lotions, glycolic and gluconic are also proven treatments for pimples.

However, each of these acne treatments only works for a particular kind of acne as mentioned earlier. Realizing that time is the best healer may be the best way to look at effective acne treatments. However, if you are unwilling to let time be the healer, then the pharmacy will become your playground.

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