Thursday 29 November 2012

Which Natural Acne Treatment Actually Works? - Health - Skin Care

Is there actually any natural acne treatment that can help improve or even cure your acne problem? It can be quite confusing finding a natural solution to your acne problems, find out which natural acne treatment work and how you can finally get rid of acne from your skin!

Presently there are so many natural acne treatments that are available to sufferers of adult acne. These treatments usually help reduce the intensity of acne pimples and in some cases cure acne. The Chinese are of the opinion that acne is as a result of heat and toxicity in the blood stream.

Some certain alternative healthcare practitioners regard adult acne as a digestive problem where the toxins that result from poor digestion are discharged into the skin. This is one reason why alternative acne treatments usually recommend a low fat diet; maintaining proper hygiene and consuming foods rich in vitamins. You should avoid taking saturated fat, as these can damage the tissue of the body and can cause inflammation.

Asides that, alternative acne treatments usually recommend you stay away from foods that can cause heat to build up in your body. Foods like garlic, coffee and spicy foods should be avoided. While you should consume foods rich in vitamin A as it improves your skin texture. Zinc also is helpful in healing your skin and reducing hormonal imbalances. Also foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids are essential as they help in sustaining cell membranes and help in the movement of nutrients to the cells. To assist in digestion acidophilus capsules are helpful, while a higher fiber diet would help daily bowl movements.

For acne pimples breakouts that are as a result of menstruation, Vitamin B-6 is very helpful in balancing the excess hormones that are present in the body. There are some alternate acne treatments that involve you applying mixtures on your skin. A honey facial is one of them. You do this by putting uncooked honey on your face and leaving it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes. Honey revitalizes the skin. Another natural acne treatment also involves you applying tree oil on your skin. This prevents acne causing bacteria from growing on your skin.

You could also use exfoliants to treat acne and pimples. Acids found in citrus fruits (glycolic acid and lactic acid), which are alpha-hydroxyl acids lessen dead skin cells from accumulating on the surface of the skin. Mix lemon juice and water and apply on your face. You should allow the juice to dry on your skin for up to 10 minutes before you rinse it off. If you have a sensitive skin, you may need to add more water to the blend, so that you don't experience too much of a "burning" sensation. Alternative health care practitioners usually have their own individual mixture that they use as natural acne treatments.

Some suggest using black current seed oil or evening primrose oil capsules to reduce the intensity of your acne pimples breakouts.

Some herbalists also recommend teas with goldenseal or Echinacea for treating acne pimples breakouts. Asides these herbal stuff, exercise and relaxation are two important natural acne treatments for eliminating breakouts on your skin. With all these alternative acne treatments most acne sufferers would be confused on where to start from.

If you are looking for how you can get rid of acne from your skin, you should use an acne treatment that fights your acne pimples breakout problem both at its roots and on the surface. There are a few acne treatment systems in the market that can guarantee you a smoother and clearer skin. For a list of the best natural acne treatment products in the market Visit:

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