Tuesday 26 November 2013

5 Sexy Acne Treatments - Health - Skin Care

Imagine two girls gossiping: the first girl says: Kelvin is looking good today, but I cant but help notice those growths on his face, second girl replies: yeah! Me too, those things on his face are gross. Those are the kind of gossips you may over hear when a young man or even a beautiful woman fails to take care of his or her acne.To begin WHAT IS ACNE? Acne is an eruptive skin disease. Its basically a disorder of the sebaceous follicles of the skin and appears most often on the face, neck, and back. Even on the BACK! Even I exclaim!The natural secretion or sebum of the follicles accumulates and mixes with dust and dirt. The follicles and surrounding tissue become inflamed and blackheads appear.TYPES OF ACNEThere are various forms of acne1) Acne vulgaris2) Acne conglobata3) Acne rosacea4) Chloracne

Dont mind me sometimes I could be a real show off with knowledge (acne vulgaris). Acne vulgaris is the most common form; its usually associated with adolescence but may also occur in adults in the more severe form which is acne conglobata. Acne in adolescence results primarily from hormonal changes taking place in the body; the hormones stimulate sebum production. It is beneficial to know that out breaks of acne cannot be prevented by a controlled diet (maybe further research will prove me wrong with that statement) and is not a sign of uncleanness. Ladies remember that.

NOW THE SEXY TIPSGuys listen up clearing up acne from your face equals more chicks liking you well..something like that. OK! Im just playing but trust me youve got to take care of your acne period.

SEXY TIP 1) USE APPLE CIDAR VINEGARVinegar is very good if used properly, clean your skin very well, dilute one part of vinegar with eight parts of water, use a cotton ball, and leave it for about 6-10 minutes. Some of you may be asking why I said you should dilute the vinegar. Duh! Vinegar contains small quantities of ash, sugar, phosphoric acid, (ACID), alcohol, and glycerol.

2) OATMEAL: do you like eating oatmeal. I do. I like it as crushed oatmeal grains into flakes or powder, used to make various foods such as cereal or oatcakes hmmm..Sorry I was day dreaming again. But apart from eating oatmeal it has another function do you know what it is? You guess right! It can clear your acne. pretty weird ay? As odd as it may seem oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your beautiful skin.

HOW TO USE ITi) Cook some oatmeal as if you want to eat it, please (note that you should resist the temptation to eat all the oatmeal before you use it) let the oatmeal cool down, than rub it over your clean skin like a mask, let it remain for a while, and then rinse it off. Do it regularly and be amazed how lovely and smooth your face will be.

3) BAKING SODA: everyday cooking ingredient that many people have in there homes, they only eat it but little do they know that they can use it to clear away their acne, the interesting thing about baking soda is that it is a very good scrub. Well if you do not know what a scrub does it exfoliate your skin.

HOW TO USE!) Mix a small amount of baking soda with some water to form a paste.!!) Apply it to your clean face; message the paste into your skin for 10 to 20 seconds.!!!) Rinse the baking soda off.!v) Pat your face with a clean towel.

4. PANTOTHENIC ACID: I can just imagine you screaming running around in a cowardly panic shouting PANTOTHENIC ACID! PANTOTHENIC ACID! PANTOTHENIC ACID!!!! Hey, hey get a grip of yourself its just vitamin B5 dont get your panties in a twist. Pantothenic acid or vitamine B5 is very beneficial to your body and in clearing away acne. How? Pantothenic acid if taken in large quantity helps your body metabolize fats which would otherwise be later be converted into sebum or oil and excreted through the skin. If you take in large quantities everyday I assure you that you will have a very sexy acne clear face.

5, SEXY ACNE TREATMENT TIP NUMBER FIVEKEEP YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM HEALTHYI stand in a class giving a lecture and I ask; could another one please tell me when he or she took time to clean their digestive system? You there at the back. The student says sorry sir I have never cleaned my digestive system. I say young man youve got some issues. Do you know that the digestive system begins from the mouth, esophagus, liver, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. So young man if you have never cleaned your digestive system that means you have never brushed your mouth before, now I know where that offensive odd is coming from. Now seriously the digestive system is closely related to the health of the skin.HOW TO CLEAN YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEMI} take a lot of water everyday preferably in the mourning.Ii} ask your doctor. Ha! Iii} eat lemon, carrots juice, cucumber this will help the digestive system to function well.There you have it my five sexy acne treatment tips hope y ou have enjoyed it, I have. If you use what I have just talked about, you will have an acne cleared skin in no time. Thank you for reading this article.

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