Tuesday 22 October 2013

Adult Acne Treatment - Health - Skin Care

Regardless if you are a man or a woman, the exact reasons for adult acne is unknown.That being said, adult acne is similar in appearance to teen acne, but the hormones that are involved are different. Like with teen acne, it appears that the hormonal changes lead to the increases in the amount of oil in the skin. This in turn results in clogged pores or hair follicles in the skin generating acne.

Adult acne is commonly seen in people aged between 20 and 50 years. More likely, adult acne is more likely to be seen in people with fair skin, and women. Women are generally at a greater risk because hormonal imbalances are prevalent during the menstrual years.

Home treatments are usually the first course of action for adult acne treatment. Unless the acne is very severe, adult acne responds well to home treatments. Home treatments can start with preventative measures, involve natural solutions, can be over-the-counter solutions, or may call for a little help from a doctor

Preventative TreatmentThe main objective of any treatment for adult acne should include prevention. This means adopting the correct skin cleansing routine. Gently wash you face twice a day with a mild cleanser, using your bare hands. Never rubbing or using a washcloth on the face while washing. When drying, pat, never rub, and use a clean fresh towel. It is also advisable not to use harsh skin products and avoid picking the skin or squeezing pimples.Although we cannot guarantee against an outbreak, using preventative measure will ensure the less likelihood of eruptions, infection and scarring.

We have for our use in our homes, many remedies that can be made into a paste and used as a face mask. Garlic oil or juice, honey and cinnamon mixed together, aloe vera gel, oatmeal ground and mixed with water are just a few of natures finest acne healing products. Still, a homeopathic practitioner that might recommend a holistic approach.

The easiest remedy for adult acne is at your drug store. There are a variety of brands in various forms of application. You can buy lotions, creams, ointments, and wipes. The strengths differ as well, from mild to extra strength. Take the time to read the label for the active ingredient before you purchase the product. Basically what is available is confined to use of one of two chemicals. Products with 'benzoyl peroxide' kill the bacteria and reduce the inflammation. 'Salicylic acid' on the other hands, drys acne out. Which ever product you use take care not to use both at the same time. Combining both of these products can cause a reaction on your skin which is just going to make the acne look worse.

If the acne is particularly tenacious and is not responding to typical home treatments, then a the next step is visit a Doctor. Likely he or she will recommend one of the most popular prescriptions available for home use, be it topical or oral. Often they will recommend a combination of adult acne treatments for adult acne. Be patient. While it might seem like it, acne doesn't really last forever. It can, however, take time to clear up. It depends on the severity of the acne. It could take anywhere from several days for a mild out break of pimples to months or years for some types of cystic acne. Acne treatment usually takes between six to eight weeks of dedicated management before visible signs of improvement can be seen.

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