Monday 6 August 2012

Laser Acne Treatment - Health - Skin Care

The treatment of acne has really improved these days. Effective medications like salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide. But the best is to have the acne taken care of by laser. Acne laser treatment has risen in popularity due to its effectiveness and fast results. Though acne pills or medication are good, people today don't consider them because ineffectiveness and the fear that once they stop taking the pills the acne will grow back.

How does the acne laser treatment work?

Laser treatment works by removing the acne tissue. A licensed medical doctor (preferably a dermatologist /plastic surgeon) with the use of a "laser pen" and goes back and forth from the acne spot. Thus removing the acne tissue, after some time new tissues will then form from the removed part. This acne laser treatment is always safe and can be done when you decide to get it. Patients may get slight pain while being treated. As for the after effects, the face may swell for a time and have some potential bruise. But don't worry about these things, they are only side effects and disappear in no time.

Can anybody get their acne be treated by acne laser treatment?

First you are hesitant to get treated because of the word "laser". You may feel unsafe but I can assure you this treatment is safe and effective. The best part of this treatment is that there are no restrictions; anybody can be treated with this form of acne treatment. For a little assurance you can consult an experienced dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. They may advice and perform the acne laser treatment themselves to remove your acne problems. Aside from treating acne, laser is also an effective way to remove acne scars. laser acne scar removal accounts for a large amount of people using laser for acne.

Success Rate of the treatment

Studies have been conducted to measure the success and efficiency of this acne laser treatment. Others may have great improvement by their first treatment, more on the second treatment, again more on the third treatment and so on. To fully get the best results plan three to more acne laser treatment sessions with your dermatologist or plastic surgeon.


The most important one of all is cost, so how does the laser acne treatment compare to the traditional and medication acne treatments? It may cost about $2000 to a maximum of $10,000 for this treatment. The price might be a little high compared to medication and traditional ways. Payment is nothing if you are going to get your desired outcome. Just look around for some privilege discounts or packages to pay less.

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